Paula Valéria Andrade: Biography and Poems | Brazilian Poetry

Paula Valéria Andrade Brazilian Poetry


Paula Valéria Andrade é poeta, escritora, artista visual, diretora de arte e professora universitária. Ela recebeu prêmios em Portugal, Itália, EUA, Alemanha e no Brasil: Jabuti, UBE e APCA.


The elevator makes you wait so long 
cause life gives you no time 
The supermarket's long line 
The crowned bus 
The sidewalk is jammed with people back and forward cause life gives you no time 
The sluggish traffic 
and it's damn hot, yeah it's about time...  
The subway is overcrowded 
The waiting of the laboratory blood count The junk canned food that you eat 
cause life gives you no time 
The prayer at the sanctuary 
The car wash washes many cars simultaneously Medicine ads all over the billboards at the buildings Spoken portraits of life's 1% 
cause life gives you no time 
Everything is meant to be unfolding 
walk fast, get safe  
avoid run over accidents
Don't smoke, breath... 
don't even think about gaining weight  
Never drink enough to get drunk 
or to cry, 
it's a fast pace 
cause life gives you no time 
Even your thoughts  
flow off 
through the wind 
depending of the consensus sense  
Anonymous observatory: 
(digital iris) 
electronic focus 
zoom in and out 
(Because life gives you no time
Masticate to duplicate 
as a doubleminded state 
with the savor of the time 
that life doesn't give you. 

Paula Valeria Andrade - From the book “Iris Digital”, 2005
Escritura Publishers – Sao Paulo, Brazil 

Early Evening

I remember clearly
Each little pace
Step –by – step
Beside you in San Francisco
Walking by….
Looking by
passing by….

Union Square, Filmore, Van Ness
Holding your hands
Shaking our arms
Laughing and kissing with a lot of tease ness
When suddenly,
Stopping by
- powers
of the colors and scents
at the corner of your heart –
you gave me beauty;
pulsing inside my body and mind,
as my fractal number.

alifornia Slice

The summer comes
tanning skins
burning ideas
melting hearts
Colorful magical 
of hot shades
and warm
painting the sky
as a pallete
of multiplied
slices of life.


Come to say


as when 

you walked

indoor the first time

and without knocking

came smilling

to say

Hi, you're 

my sweetie pie

then left

my heart

as a used rug 

on the floor.