Silvia Schmidt: Biography and Poems | Brazilian Poetry


Silvia Schmidt Brazilian Poet


She was born in São Paulo, but lived in the Northeast and South of Brazil, leaving Florianópolis in 2000 for bolder flights to England and the USA, with the objective of improving the English language, living fantastic experiences. In poetry, her main focus is to work in a multimiditic and contemporary language (concretism) a revolutionary (ontological) psychology search in the lived reality (self-fiction) and in the Cultural exchanges a young and feminine audience, in transcendence.

Flowers of way

we can
we can not complain
with someone ́s pain
we have to stop this train[again and again
The Agapanthus is blowing
it ́s some kind of plant of two colors[ lilás e branca
flowers flavors flowing after rain [the storms of crowd
that ́ is the torment around us my loved one my man
open your eyes may be your brain the shadows is gone
Felow we can
we can ́t not complain
with someone ́s pain
we have to stop this accomplishment [ to say and say
We can ́t not replay this way of pain
without flowers without Agapanthus
wich we had plant during the summer 


This is not beautiful-bae
this is one of my teeth
the inside of me [that
flows like a river and
bleeds bleeds bleeds

Love hurts

The carved skin
within me- it´s
my sickly land
like a mirror

A black-and-white piece
one cut of the X- ray
the poetics are mine
the matrix as you can see
a poem without poetry

Rats on the roof

Peace and dreams
I will try to rest but  no
Because I found a noise

Rats on the roof right now
I have tried I have tried to sleep
But I just leasting his noise around
On top of the roof

The hight nigth now when the sun has not arrived yet
Go go rats let me be at my house. Stones house around greens and flowers
This morning the sun is shining but I m boring waking up before the time

My body is shaking I'm not alone
Rats on the roof I don't have cats

Go rats go to walking another place around just leave alone and peace and at the place I choose.
Go rats go just I ask for.

Rats arrive at 4 o'clock every morning before the sunshine.

Rats on the roof
spider on the floor
scorpion on the wall 

inside the house I live I don´t believe