Adriana Lisboa: Biography and Poems | Brazilian Poetry

Adriana Lisboa Brazilian Poetry


Adriana Lisboa (b.1970) has degrees in music and literature. Among other books, she has published Symphony in White, which won the Jose Saramago Award, and Hanoi, chosen as the book of the year by the Independent, as well as two poetry collections. Her poems and sto­ries have appeared in Modern Poetry in Translation, Granta, Asymptote and The Indian Quarterly.


Hands sink into the ground:
a nation of wet worms,
blind courtship of broken names,
decomposed, recomposed -
dark warehouse of tactile verbs

where the dead suffocate
in the jubilation of the new living:

everything is a flower.

Published NEW BRAZILIAN POEMS. A bilingual anthology after Elizabeth Bishop. Translated & edited by Abhay K.. Preface by J. Sadlíer. Rio de Janeiro: Ibis Libris, 2019. 128 p. 16 x 23 cm. ISBN 978-85-7823-326-6